Friday, October 10, 2014

Moon phase calendar for 2015

Loss of the Night app user Andrew Cool from Australia has once again produced his very cool calendar of the phases of the moon in 2015:

You can download his original images in high and low resolution on his SkippySky website.

If this is your first-ever visit to the blog, welcome! The blog is about a citizen science app called "Loss of the Night". We need your help to understand how changes in street lighting technology are changing the night sky. You can read our introduction to the blog here, and instructions on how to use the app here.

There's lots more to see, including:
You can see bring up our entire photo series via this link, and all of our posts about the moon here. Thanks for visiting!


  1. I tried the IDA's iPhone app to measure light pollution in the Eastern Sierra region of California and in Nevada, but apparently even with some light pollution I can see the iPhone 5S is not sensitive enough to pick it up, because the app fails to produce a result. It's a shame that it doesn't produce a "too dark" data point, since recording darkest places is as important as recording and mapping the brightly lit ones.

    1. I also have a 5s and have found that it does not have the sensitivity to record rural sky brightness. I bought an astronomical arc/sec. meter that can do it. I hope the new 6s that is coming will be more sensitive.

    2. If you bought an SQM, please use the Loss of the Night app to report your observations to Globe at Night (with automatic location, UTC, and local timestamps). The app is free for Android and iOS devices.


      You can also report via the Globe at Night website:

      But I find that the app is particularly convenient.

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Do you mean the Dark Sky Meter app? (It's not actually by IDA, although we do promote it). It would be great if you would contact the developer, his contact info is here:

    I agree with you that observing dark places is important, but simple tools like the DSM app and the Sky Quality Meter are not particularly effective in regions without light pollution. In addition to zero point calibration uncertainties, the natural night sky has a considerable variation in brightness (due to airglow, dust, etc), so single point measurements have to be interpreted with caution.
